City College
City College Plymouth is over 128 years old and is a recognised brand within the city of Plymouth. Its links with local industry, city-wide organisations and employers are notable and its work and achievements remain admired. The College is woven into the fabric of the City; it is in some ways part of the DNA of Plymouth. It sits at the heart of the community constantly working on initiatives that will benefit the whole City.
Competing with
the big boys
Since 2015 Just Enough Brave has worked in partnership with the marketing team to continually position the brand and ensure it competes on an even footing with its larger University neighbours. The challenge continues to be about appealing to a sophisticated audience as well as increasing awareness that the College can provide more than simply vocational course programmes.

"Brave continue to be a trusted partner. Their positioning work and creative campaigns have been motivating our target audiences for a number of years. Their work reflects a more mature style to the College's communications."

Delivering a measurable change
Just Enough Brave is proud to support the College every year helping support their evolving communications plans - delivering advertising campaigns and creative direction to both the in-house marketing and design departments.
Regular market research data suggests that more people than ever are considering studying at City College Plymouth. When we first started working with City College in 2015 the ‘considered studying at City College’ rate was at 33%, while today it’s shifted northwards to 61%. A massive increase in the level of positive brand perception. Enquiries have also continued to rise 14% year on year since 2015.

"We've worked with Just Enough Brave for many years and we enjoy the creative discussions that take place, as well as the understanding of our target markets and geographical area; these are essentials to our partnership working."